Wednesday, 9 December 2009


Hummer, originally uploaded by

This shot took me a little while to set up exactly the way I wanted it - the lighting being the most time consuming as I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve and wasn't willing to move on before getting the shot in the bag.

It's by far one of my favourite black and white shots that I've ever taken and I think the patience paid off in the end.

Porsche 930 Turbo Shoot

Porsche 930 Turbo Shoot, originally uploaded by

This is one image from a shoot I did in California of this modified Porsche 930 Turbo.

Image was taken at one of the old derelict buildings left over from world war 2 at the Marin Headlands not far from the Golden Gate Bridge.

Renault Clio Sport 197 Rig Shot

A recent rework of an old shot taken of the Renault Clio Sport 197 which was only just being released in the UK. I had the car for a number of days to write a test drive feature on it and shoot some pics for a UK car magazine and some local papers too.